The Raj Art Initiative leads an artist-in-residence project at its facilities in Panipat. Artists from across the globe are invited to live and work with its skilled craftsmen to create works of art that are then featured in exhibitions across the world.
The intent of the artist-in-residence project is to take the craft of weaving onto a larger platform where it can live and evolve for prosperity.
Exhibition at the Cultural Center of Jesus, Ibiza
The exhibition features works created during the artist-in-residence project, March 2018.
The residency was in collaboration with Mondo Galeria, based in Spain.
Lidia Muro a multifaceted designer worked for 3 weeks in
our factories at Panipat, March 2018.
She created wall art pieces by blending weaving techniques with textiles found locally in Panipat. The residency project was in collaboration with Mondo Galeria, based in Spain.
Marre Moerel an internationally acclaimed designer who works with ceramics. She was in residence at our factories in Panipat, March 2018.
Marre created wall art pieces and sculptures using found carpets and terracotta ware. The residency project was in collaboration with Mondo Galeria, based in Spain.
A series created by Nabiha & Thom of Unity Art
In November 2017, when Nabiha & Thom, an artist duo from Germany walked into our facilities in Panipat, it got us wondering what exactly would inspire them. Little did we know that they would covert images of our machines into works of artistic expression.
'The Weaver' was selected as one of the 12 finalists at the Art of Engineering and are now in the process of becoming a textile art series.